Sifu Keith Wetoskey with Sifu Larry Hartsell and Guro Dan Inosanto
Sifu Keith Wetoskey with Guro Dan Inosanto
Guro / Sifu Keith Wetoskey
Sifu Keith Wetoskey is a member of the I.I.M.A.I.A. and a Full Instructor in Jun Fan Gung Fu / Jeet Kune Do Concepts under Sifu Dan Inosanto and a Full Instructor in Filipino Kali under Guro Dan Inosanto. He is a Senior Full Instructor in Jun Fan Gung Fu / Jeet Kune Do under Sifu Larry Hartsell and a Director of the Jun Fan / Jeet Kune Do Grappling Association.
He is a Guro in Lameco Eskrima under the late Punong Guro Edgar Sulite of the Lameco Eskrima International Association and a certified instructor and Jagabaya under the late Pendekar Herman Suwanda of the Pencak Silat Mande Muda International, Inc.
Mr. Wetoskey is a Guru in Dekiti Tirsia Siradas under Grand Master Jerson Tortal Sr.
Mr. Wetoskey is an instructor as well as the Indiana Director of Sifu Randy Williams Close Range Combat Wing Chun Gung Fu holding a Green Sash.
He holds a Red Glove in Boxe Francaise Savate from Professor Salem Assli and is a Full Instructor as well as the Co-founder of Absolute Spontaneous Directness with Sifu Ed Carr.
Mr. Wetoskey has over 40 years of teaching experience and is continuously training in and learning new arts to better his own and his students understanding of the martial arts.